Our community maintains a list of clinics which offer H.E.L.P. Apheresis and Combination Therapy for Long Covid, Post Vac Syndrome and Chronic Illnesses:
- Specialised Long Covid & Post-Vac / Combination Therapy clinics:
Larnaca, Cyprus and Bad Aibling, Germany (in soft opening mode, more info online soon) are the two only Long Covid and Post-Vac Syndrome specialised clinics.
Larnaca offers Combination Therapy (Combined Therapy of H.E.L.P. Apheresis + IV treatments + Medication protocols + Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy + Cryo Therapy, Stellate Ganglion, Magnesium Oxygen Therapy, IVIG and mABS, Colon Hydrotreatment and MCAS treatments).
They are built specifically for Long Covid, Post Vac-Syndrome and Chronic Illnesses patients. In addition to specialised treatment they offer an optimized environment for Long Covid, Post-Vac Syndrome and Chronic Illness patients with low light, low noise and separated resting areas to lie down.
- Dialysis clinics:
All German clinics are dialysis clinics treating dialyses and cholesterol patients. On top of those patients they are accepting Help Apheresis 'only' patients (for Long Covid/Post Vac) but have very limited capacities. These clinics are mostly suitable for patients which are not noise sensitive or sound sensitive and look for Help Apheresis treatment 'only'. The Swiss clinic has a special unit for treatment with H.E.L.P. Apheresis for patients with Post-Covid (and Post-Vac) Syndrome.
Dr. Irina Pavlik Marangos
Specialisation in multimodal Combination Therapy for Long Covid, Post-Vac Syndrome and Chronic Illnesses
(H.E.L.P. Apheresis, Inuspheresis, Immunoadsorption, TPPE (Therapeutic Partial Plasma Exchange), IV Treatments incl. Peptides and Chelation, Nutraceutical Therapy, Medication Protocols, Stellate Ganglion Blocks, HBOT, Cryo Therapy, IVIG, mABS, Magnesium Oxygen Therapy, Colon Hydrotreatment/MCAS treatment and others)
Large diagnostics portfolio (Spike Protein, Microclots, Autoantibodies et cetera)
Under German Management / Travel Support and Local Support System available
Webpage: apheresiscenter.eu
Email: info@apheresiscenter.eu
Phone: + 357 24 257400
Whatsapp: + 357 24 257400
Live Support and Chat: apheresiscenter.eu
In soft opening mode, info coming online soon
Specialisation in Long Covid, Post Vac Syndrome
Dr. Roman Günthner
Dialyseklinik / Dialysis clinic
(+49) 05661 910600
Dr. Markus Knittel
Dialyseklinik / Dialysis clinic
(+49) 02302 9141811
(+49) 02302 914180
(+49) 0174 3 13 92 77
(nur SMS/WhatsApp)
Dialyseklinik / Dialysis clinic
(+49) 03317431919
Dr. Gunnar Bücker
Dialyseklinik / Dialysis clinic
(+49) 0541 3262040
(+49) 0541 326 4141
Dr. Frido Himmelsbach
Dialyseklinik / Dialysis clinic
(+49) 531 380130
Dr. Robin Satanovskij
Dialyseklinik / Dialysis clinic
Dr. med. Robin Satanovskij
Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Nephrologie Nephrologische Praxis und Dialyse
Centrum Bayreuth Spinnereistr. 7, 95445 Bayreuth
Telefon: 0921-507202-0
Fax: 0921-507202-10
E-Mail: info@dialysecentrum.de Robin.Satanovskij@gmail.com
Webseite: www.dialysecentrum.de
Dr. Gabrielle Hackenberg
Dialyseklinik / Dialysis clinic
(+49) 08261 834300
(+49) 08261 76630
Prof. Oliver Weingärtner
Dialyseklinik / Dialysis clinic
(+49) 03641 9324149
(+49) 03641 9 32 45 21
(+49) 03641 932 4175
Dialyseklinik / Dialysis clinic
Dr. Wolfgang Seeger
(+49) 030 9953400
Microclots occur in the blood of Long Covid sufferers. Once these microclots are removed, by Help Apheresis, sometimes Anticoagulants or Fibrinolytics, the symptoms reduce/resolve.
This is really of great help and value to everyone suffering from Long Covid, it is a well thought through diagnostic test that gives a very good indication if you have microclots, the level of severity they occur in your blood and if further investigation for treatment is meaningful.
Dr. Gustavo Aguirre-Chang and Dr. Aurora Trujillo F. developed this diagnostic test in August 2022.
Now you can take the free online version of the microclots indication test and get you your results by email.
Find the test here or klick the button below: apheresiscenter.eu/microclots-test
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